Black Barbers ‘Know Your Mental Health’
Despite traumas of the pandemic, violence, and poverty, most Black men won’t admit they need #mentalhealth support. Join DJ Cosmic Kev, Loraine Ballard Morrill, and the Black Barbers as they address how to erase the stigma that prevents men from getting help.
Earlier Detection of Cancer in Minorities Holds Promise to Close Persistent Disparities in Health Outcomes
Despite significant advancements in the detection and treatment of cancer in recent decades, cancer is still the second-leading cause of death in the United States. Racial and ethnic minorities continue to bear a higher cancer burden.
Could Barbershops Become the New Doctor’s Office?
Black men see their barbers about every two weeks. Not only do you trust your barber with your look and with your style, but you also trust them with your secrets and sometimes your life.
The Root Causes of Health Inequity
Health inequity, categories and examples of which were discussed in the previous chapter, arises from social, economic, environmental, and structural disparities that contribute to intergroup differences in health outcomes both within and between societies. The report identifies two main clusters of root causes of health inequity.
Racial/Ethnic Differences in Physician Distrust in the United States
It is widely believed that trust has declined over the past 40 years in most segments of US society, including health care. This decline in health care–related trust is attributed to a wide range of factors.
The Patient-Provider Relationship Role in Health Equity
In the pursuit of health equity, patient-provider relationships and patient perceptions about their health providers are vital in making improvements. Here’s a look at where we are and how to make progress.
A Guide for Physicians on Building Relationships With BIPOC Patients
Distrust in healthcare has been America’s hard pill to swallow especially for the BIPOC community. But how can members of healthcare, like physicians, regain the trust of their BIPOC patients?
BIPOC COVID-19 Vaccine Concerns: Myths and Facts
Months into the coronavirus pandemic in the U.S., what have we learned about the effects of the virus on Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) populations?
Empowering Communities Through Digital Health Equity
Blood transfusions, organ transplants, and bone marrow transplants can be detrimental situations for any person who needs one. But what special considerations are there for those who are of BIPOC and mixed races?
Diversity in Clinical Trials Benefits Everyone
Racial and ethnic minority groups (REMGs) will make up the majority of the population in the near future. This is problematic because present inequities render REMGs disproportionately vulnerable and sick.