Sickle Cell Hub

Sickle Cell Hub

Equity in Diagnostic Testing Overview

Disparities in diagnostic testing for sickle cell disease (SCD) such as baseline and genetic tests affect health outcomes of BIPOC adults and children*(**). SCD is compounded by kidney disease, stroke, and liver and lung complications in which access to the right tests for each condition is critical for early screening, detection, and treatment.

Key tests in SCD are:




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*Too Few Children, Teens with Sickle Cell Anemia Receive Screening, Medication to Prevent Serious Complications. JAMA Network website. Accessed March 16, 2023.

**Arianna Prince, Alanna Cruz-Benduzu, Nicole Gunawansa, Jenna Wade, Victoria Coleman-Cowger, Jay Schulkin, Charles Macri. Practices of Sickle Cell Disease Genetic Screening and Testing in the Prenatal Population. Research Square website. Accessed March 16, 2023.

Hemoglobinopathy Evaluation. website. Accessed July 21, 2023.

Francesca Rodigari, Georgia Brugnera, Raffaela Colombatti. Health-related quality of life in hemoglobinopathies: A systematic review from a global perspective. Front Pediatr. National Library of Medicine website. Accessed July 21, 2023.

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