Essential Diagnostic Tests for Discoid or Cutaneous Lupus
For those who may have discoid lupus or cutaneous lupus, which diagnostic tests are essential? Dr. Kyle Riding discusses diagnostic testing that aids providers in diagnosing patients.
Heart Behind the White Coat: Dr. Marilyn Bibbs Freeman
Dr. Marilyn Bibbs Freeman shares what continues to drive her passion in medicine and patient advocacy and her advice to students aspiring to become healthcare professionals.
Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis and Key Diagnostic Testing
What is focal segmental glomeruloslcerosis (FSGS), and what should sickle cell patients know about the condition? Hear from hematology nurse practitioner Maya Bloomberg.
Understanding Anemia Diagnostic Tests and Anemia Causes
Dr. Kyle Riding discusses testing involved in determining anemia types versus some other blood disorders and how results are used to determine causes of anemia.
What Is the Impact of Unconscious Bias on Laboratory Diagnostics and Health Outcomes?
Can unconscious bias impact laboratory diagnostics and health outcomes? Dr. Marilyn Bibbs Freeman discusses unconscious bias and solutions toward improved health outcomes.
Systemic Mastocytosis | Appearance in Various Skin Tones and Genders
How does systemic mastocytosis manifest in different skin tones and genders? Dr. Brandy Gunsolus explains how the condition can vary by skin tone and gender and shares advice for patients.
What Is Systemic Mastocytosis and How Is It Diagnosed?
What happens in systemic mastocytosis, and what diagnostic tests are used for it? Dr. Brandy Gunsolus explains the condition and diagnostic tests.
Diagnostic Testing Inequities | Impact of Social Determinants of Health for Sickle Cell Patients
How do social determinants of health impact diagnostic testing equity? Hear from sickle cell advocates John Masembe and Jemela Williams.
What Kind of Support Does the Sickle Cell Community Need?
Sickle cell patients need more support, but what kind of support will have the most impact? Hear from sickle cell advocates John Masembe and Jemela Williams.
Understanding the Bone Marrow Transplant Experience in Sickle Cell
What does the bone marrow transplant journey look like in sickle cell? What are the challenges? Hear from sickle cell advocates John Masembe and Jemela Williams.
Improving Visibility of Laboratory Scientists and Healthcare Professionals
How can laboratory scientists and healthcare professionals become more visible to patient communities? Dr. Marilyn Bibbs Freeman shares insight.
Enhancing Health Laboratory Research Through DEIA
How can diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) help enhance health laboratory research? Dr. Marilyn Bibbs Freeman shares insight about DEIA efforts.
Unconscious Bias in Healthcare | Collaborations to Raise Awareness
What collaborative efforts can healthcare professionals engage in to work against unconscious bias? Dr. Marilyn Bibbs Freeman shares her perspective.
Adolescent to Adult Sickle Cell Care | Key Advice for Patients
Are there specific tests and assessments to keep up with during the pediatric to adult transition? Hear from hematology nurse practitioner Maya Bloomberg.
Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Sickle Cell Tests
Maya Bloomberg shares how AI may impact sickle cell tests in the screening, diagnosis, and treatment of patients.
Sickle Cell Screening and Outcomes | Impact of Stigma and Discrimination
Maya Bloomberg shares her knowledge about disparities in sickle cell screening and care and solutions toward equity.
Hydroxyurea Use in Sickle Cell and Other Conditions
Maya Bloomberg explains the history of hydroxyurea use and how it can help in sickle cell care.
Importance of Diagnostic Equity for Sickle Cell Community
Maya Bloomberg discusses diagnostic equity, the prevalence of sickle cell, and ways that diagnostic equity and health outcomes can be improved.
LGBTQIA Health Testing and Outcomes | Solutions Toward Equity
How can LGBTQIA health testing and outcomes be improved? Dr. Brandy Gunsolus discusses LGBTQIA disparities and solutions toward health equity.
How Can Bias Against Overweight Patients Be Lessened?
For overweight patients who experience bias, how can they help ensure equitable testing? Dr. Brandy Gunsolus shares her perspective and advice.