What Would Warrant a CBC Test Outside of an Annual Physical?

More Programs and Publications Featuring Dr. Kyle Riding
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Complete blood count tests are a standard part of annual physical examination, but what else might warrant one? Watch as medical laboratory scientist Dr. Kyle Riding explains some situations where a CBC may be used to help diagnose and monitor medical conditions.
Now, we all know worrying can cause anxiety, in some cases, severe anxiety, but let's say someone has the constant cough, sneeze, bruise, fatigue, you know, COVID times, what exactly would warrant a CBC test outside of an annual physical?
Dr. Kyle Riding:
So a CBC test, as I mentioned, is a great screening test, in other words, it's good at detecting a variety of different conditions, but doesn't always specifically tell us what that disease is and may require follow-up testing. There are a lot of different reasons beyond an annual physical that a physician may order a complete blood count, and just to kind of name a few, there could be issues related to having a fever that they can't identify the cause of having a potential infection that the physician is not aware of, but trying to get proof about...there's also issues with having shortness of breath upon exertion, that could be an indication for getting a complete blood count, there's also, if a patient starts becoming pale, that may be a reason to get it, and finally unusual and unexplained bruising could really be a rationale for having a complete blood count run. Now, I'm not talking about if you're a silly person like me, trips over your own two feet and gets bruises once in a while, we're talking pretty decent-sized bruises or brushes that are tiny, and form almost rash light operates on your skin, so while there's other indications or other reasons, a complete blood count would be ordered, those issues with inflammation, infection, fever, shortness of breath or pallor and bruising would be great reasons why a CBC should be run outside of the annual physical.
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