What Specialists Treat Kidney Cancer?


More Programs and Publications Featuring Dr. Pavlos Msaouel

In this program:

What types of kidney cancer specialists do patients see after diagnosis? Watch as Dr. Pavlos Msaouel explains specialists who are qualified in kidney cancer treatments and the type of specialist assigned according to the patient's stage.



So not all patients can see a specialist or live near an academic medical center. What type of specialist treats patients diagnosed with kidney cancer?

Dr. Pavlos Msaouel:

The vast majority of patients with kidney cancer, particularly those that are diagnosed at an earlier stage, will be seen by a...or should be seen by a urologist. And those are surgeons that can help very often remove, they remove the kidney cancer. If it's a more advanced stage kidney cancer than it is medical oncologists like myself, for example, that will need to see the patient and nowadays also we have other specialists like radiation oncologists, those are the ones that use radiation to treat the cancer in a specific area, so it is what we call nowadays a multi-disciplinary approach, so multiple physicians can work together to help our patients.

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