Diagnostics Decoded | Lab Values and Ethnicity
Respected medical laboratory scientists Dr. Brandy Gunsolus and Dr. Dana Baker discuss the complex interplay between lab values and ethnicity.
Does Laboratory Medicine Worsen Health Disparities Unintentionally?
Are health disparities sometimes worsened unintentionally by laboratory medicine? Dr. Marilyn Bibbs Freeman discusses cost issues and systemic issues with laboratory medicine and the U.S. healthcare system.
How Can We Address Diagnostic Inequities in Laboratory Practices?
How can healthcare professionals help ensure that laboratory practices address diagnostic inequities? Dr. Marilyn Bibbs Freeman discusses ways that public health laboratories are working to reduce diagnostic inequities.
What Is the Impact of Unconscious Bias on Laboratory Diagnostics and Health Outcomes?
Can unconscious bias impact laboratory diagnostics and health outcomes? Dr. Marilyn Bibbs Freeman discusses unconscious bias and solutions toward improved health outcomes.
Improving Visibility of Laboratory Scientists and Healthcare Professionals
How can laboratory scientists and healthcare professionals become more visible to patient communities? Dr. Marilyn Bibbs Freeman shares insight.
Creating More Inclusive Spaces for LGBTQIA+ Patients During Health Testing
Dana Powell Baker discusses the point of view of LGBTQIA+ patients and how healthcare providers can help provide more inclusive spaces for all patients.
How Are Female-Specific Diagnostic Tests Impacted by Unconscious Bias?
Dana Powell Baker discusses assumptions about female-specific diagnostic tests and tests that are still commonly overlooked.
Do Marginalized Communities Have Female-Specific Diagnostic Test Disparities?
Dana Powell Baker explains some stigmas that persist in healthcare settings and advice for patients to ensure they receive essential female-specific diagnostic tests.
What Geographic or Regional Disparities Exist in Prenatal Testing?
Dana Powell Baker discusses barriers to prenatal testing and solutions to improve prenatal testing rates and pregnancy outcomes.
Societal Impacts and Solutions of Health Testing for LGBTQIA+ Individuals
Dana Powell Baker discusses past provider attitudes about LGBTQIA+patients and solutions to improve access to care.
How Do Societal Views of Masculinity and Femininity Impact Diagnostics?
Dana Powell Baker discusses how stereotypes and societal expectations can impact care and how healthcare providers can work toward optimal care for all.
How Do Cultural Factors Intersect With Social Determinants of Health?
Dana Powell Baker explains how various cultural factors must be considered as a factor in patient care and shares advice on how providers can adjust to cultural factors to help reduce care disparities.
Role of Provider Education in Impacting Diagnostic Inequities
Dana Powell Baker shares her perspective on provider education and methods healthcare providers can utilize to advance equity for female patients.
Do Some Female-Specific Diagnostic Tests Have Access Disparities?
Dana Powell Baker shares information about female-specific diagnostics tests like mammograms and pap smears and how healthcare providers can help advance equity.