Does COVID-19 illuminate healthcare cost hypocrisy in America?
The COVID-19 pandemic does not care about the ranks we decide to lay upon people. Dr. Gary Puckrein of the National Minority Quality Forum tackles the policy positions that result in the access to and cost of healthcare in America.
Does the pandemic reveal cracks in the American healthcare system?
The COVID-19 pandemic is a stress on global healthcare systems. Dr. Gary Puckrein of the National Minority Quality Forum remarks on the cracks in the American healthcare system that have appeared under this stress. He reminds us about the Constitution as the social contract that all Americans have entered into, and the role of healthcare in guaranteeing life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Data and Predictions in Healthcare, lessons from the COVID pandemic
In light of the pandemic, Dr. Gary Puckrein of the National Minority Quality Forum brings up important lessons about how projections from data on COVID-19 correctly anticipated hospitalization rates.