Does Kidney Cancer Favor a Specific Kidney?
More Programs and Publications Featuring Dr. Pavlos Msaouel
In this program:
Does kidney cancer occur more often in the right-side kidney versus the left side? Watch as Dr. Pavlos Msaouel explains the occurrence of the kidney cancer subtype of renal medullary carcinoma and the specific population in which RMC is most frequently diagnosed.
Dr. Masouel, does kidney cancer tend to prefer a specific kidney, either the right or the left?
Dr. Pavlos Msaouel:
So on average, the average kidney cancer, no, but there is this, this aggressive subtype of kidney cancer called renal medullary carcinoma, RMC that does have a preference for the right kidney versus the left. And this is key because this particular cancer happens in young individuals of mainly of African descent, so...and particularly men so, if you have a young individual of African descent who is a male, most commonly, and especially if they know that they have the sickle cell trait that we mentioned before, and sometimes they may not even know it, that they have the sickle cell trait. But if they do know and they have particularly a right-sided kidney tumor, then they should take that very seriously and make sure that it is not something like RMC.
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