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Prescription for Community Wellness

Prescription for Community Wellness

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This Prescription for Community Wellness program offers information on food as medicine for community members to maximize their well-being and to improve health.

 FREE EVENT | Register and join 15-minute cook & learn sessions to understand:

  • How can we utilize food as medicine?

  • What foods aid in digestive health?

  • Surprising medicinal properties of your favorite fruits and veggies

  • New recipes for each session (included!)


Melanie Villa, RN

Melanie Villa of Sacramento, California is a neonatal nurse assessing, monitoring, and caring for medically fragile newborns.

She loves exploring healthy meal options for her family and enjoys cultivating communities that examine utilizing food as medicine.

Programs like these are made possible by the generous support of our partners.

January 25

Prescription for Community Wellness

January 29

Prescription for Community Wellness